
Top.gg API Client for Posting stats or Fetching data

Kind: global classLink: https://topggjs.rtfd.io <- Library docsLink: https://docs.top.gg <- API Reference

new Api(token, options)

Create Top.gg API instance

Param Type Description
token string Token or options
options object API Options


const Topgg = require(`@top-gg/sdk`)

const api = new Topgg.Api('Your top.gg token')

api.postStats(stats) ⇒ BotStats

Post bot stats to Top.gg

Kind: instance method of ApiReturns: BotStats - Passed object

Param Type Description
stats Object Stats object
stats.serverCount number Server count
stats.shardCount number Shard count
stats.shardId number Posting shard (useful for process sharding)


await api.postStats({
  serverCount: 28199,
  shardCount: 1

api.getStats(id) ⇒ BotStats

Get a bots stats

Kind: instance method of ApiReturns: BotStats - Stats of bot requested

Param Type Description
id Snowflake Bot ID


await api.getStats('461521980492087297')
// =>
  serverCount: 28199,
  shardCount 1,
  shards: []

api.getBot(id) ⇒ BotInfo

Get bot info

Kind: instance method of ApiReturns: BotInfo - Info for bot

Param Type Description
id Snowflake Bot ID


await api.getBot('461521980492087297') // returns bot info

api.getUser(id) ⇒ UserInfo

Get user info

Kind: instance method of ApiReturns: UserInfo - Info for user

Param Type Description
id Snowflake User ID


await api.getUser('205680187394752512')
// =>
user.username // Xignotic

api.getBots(query) ⇒ BotsResponse

Get a list of bots

Kind: instance method of ApiReturns: BotsResponse - Return response

Param Type Description
query BotsQuery Bot Query


// Finding by properties
await api.getBots({
  search: {
    username: 'shiro',
    certifiedBot: true
    ...any other bot object properties
// =>
  results: [
      id: '461521980492087297',
      username: 'Shiro',
      discriminator: '8764',
      lib: 'discord.js',
      ...rest of bot object
    ...other shiro knockoffs B)
  limit: 10,
  offset: 0,
  count: 1,
  total: 1
// Restricting fields
await api.getBots({
  fields: ['id', 'username']
// =>
  results: [
      id: '461521980492087297',
      username: 'Shiro'
      id: '493716749342998541',
      username: 'Mimu'

api.getVotes() ⇒ Array.<ShortUser>

Get users who’ve voted

Kind: instance method of ApiReturns: Array.<ShortUser> - Array of users who’ve votedExample

await api.getVotes()
// =>
    username: 'Xignotic',
    discriminator: '0001',
    id: '205680187394752512',
    avatar: '3b9335670c7213b3a2d4e990081900c7'
    username: 'iara',
    discriminator: '0001',
    id: '395526710101278721',
    avatar: '3d1477390b8d7c3cec717ac5c778f5f4'

api.hasVoted(id) ⇒ Boolean

Get whether or not a user has voted in the last 12 hours

Kind: instance method of ApiReturns: Boolean - Whether the user has voted in the last 12 hours

Param Type Description
id Snowflake User ID


await api.hasVoted('205680187394752512')
// => true/false

api.isWeekend() ⇒ Boolean

Whether or not the weekend multiplier is active

Kind: instance method of ApiReturns: Boolean - Whether the multiplier is activeExample

await api.isWeekend()
// => true/false