
Top.gg Webhook

Kind: global class

new Webhook(authorization)

Create a new webhook client instance

Param Description
authorization Webhook authorization to verify requests


const express = require('express')
const { Webhook } = require(`@top-gg/sdk`)

const app = express()
const wh = new Webhook('webhookauth123')

app.post('/dblwebhook', wh.listener(vote => {
  // vote is your vote object e.g
  console.log(vote.user) // => 321714991050784770


// In this situation, your TopGG Webhook dashboard should look like
// URL = http://your.server.ip:80/dblwebhook
// Authorization: webhookauth123

webhook.listener(fn) ⇒

Listening function for handling webhook requests

Kind: instance method of WebhookReturns: An express request handler

Param Description
fn Vote handling function, this function can also throw an error to allow for the webhook to resend from Top.gg


app.post('/webhook', wh.listener((vote) => {
  console.log(vote.user) // => 395526710101278721


// Throwing an error to resend the webhook
app.post('/webhook/', wh.listener((vote) => {
  // for example, if your bot is offline, you should probably not handle votes and try again
  if (bot.offline) throw new Error('Bot offline')



(Use the new .listener() function) Middleware function to pass to express, sets req.vote to the payload

Kind: instance method of WebhookExample

app.post('/dblwebhook', wh.middleware(), (req, res) => {
  // req.vote is your payload e.g
  console.log(req.vote.user) // => 395526710101278721